Regaining Health and Wellness - Introducing Back to Mind Clinics

One of America's most sought-after treatments is chiropractic treatment - Meet Dr. Gady Abramson, owner of Back To Mind Clinics and his chain of chiropractic clinics, and you can be sure you are in the best of hands

Back To Mind

As years go by and technology enhances, we familiarize ourselves with different types of treatments for a variety of health issues. One of America's most sought-after treatments is chiropractic treatment - a holistic medicinal system designed to treat mechanical disturbances and other types of issues in the muscle and skeletal system. Chiropractics emphasizes spinal health, manipulating the spine to help the nervous system regain function to clear the neural flow between the brain, spine, and other connected body parts. The treatment involves manually applying pressure to the spine in a way that helps to improve function and as a result, maintain the health of the entire human bone structure. The advantages of chiropractic treatment are great, but the secret lies within the treating hands of the specific chiropractor. Meet Dr. Gady  Abramson, and his chain of chiropractic clinics, Back To Mind, so you can be sure you are in the best of hands

Obtaining profound knowledge

After Gady’s discharge from the Israeli army, he arrived in the US to study business. All his electives were in the pre-med field, which helped him decide to further explore the medical world.. As many of Gady’s family members are doctors, he decided to shadow them and familiarize himself with different specialties – neurology, family medicine, and pediatrics. He was introduced to the field of chiropractics, a profession he would eventually choose to master in, study, and receive a degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). "When I attended school, there were barely 40 chiropractors in Israel" Gady explains, "So I stayed in America and decided to build my career here.” He started his professional journey with one clinic who quickly became very sought after, which made Gady decide to open another clinic and several years later

.Nowadays, after 26 years in Florida, Gady runs a total of six different chiropractic clinics, each with a leading physician and a qualified staff, all operating according to Gady’s perfected system

Back To Mind
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Back To Mind- putting the patient’s well-being first

Gady’s success can be credited to his motto: providing treatment that promotes fast recovery. For him, the financial aspect plays no part in creating the treatment program and he aspires to relieve the patient of treatments as fast as possible. "Most people that come to see me have already been to different doctors, spending a lot of time and a lot of money, he says, "I want the patient to recover as soon as possible and because our treatments are very intensive, most patients make a complete recovery within a short period of time, and do not experience any lingering side effects after treatment is completed."

Back To Mind- Special care to the patient and his case

Most of Dr. Gady’s patients seek treatment after being injured in a car accident.  While the fast and devoted treatment they get in each one of the clinics is always beneficial, in the case of a car accident, the recovery process might take longer. Florida's leading lawyers consistently recommend their clients to Dr. Gady’s clinics because he ensures a meticulous and thorough process while filling out accident reports. The team makes sure to provide all necessary paperwork so that lawyers can easily navigate  assisting their clients to achieve maximum compensation. "That is exactly the reason why lawyers keep sending me their clients," Dr. Gady explains. "When dealing with accidents you must work in an orderly fashion, performing exact coordination between the injury reported and what is actively happening to the patient, determining levels of disability in a credible way and more. In my clinic, we provide reliable findings to promote the bureaucratic process for patients. Insurance companies already know me and let the documents coming from one of my clinics have a significant effect."

Back To Mind
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Allergic to waiting in lines

In each of his clinics, Dr. Gady treats around 60 satisfied adult, teenage, and children- age patients daily. Alongside the professional service, the quick answers, and the meticulous organization, Gady implements a “no waiting” policy, meaning that patients do not have to wait in line, and the care they need right when they arrive at the clinic. It is no wonder that the patients' extremely positive feedback gives Gady’s  clinics one of the highest ratings in Florida with hundreds of positive reviews and 5-star scores. "Patients who are previously recommended  for surgery arrive here and after being treated do not need surgery anymore," Gady shares. "Children with severe scoliosis for example. No patient has ever walked in and not said: wow the treatments here are amazing. No one does it like you do it".

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