אהד ריין - Sunshine

המתמודד של אביב בשיר מקורי משלו שגרם לו לזכות בחסינות

זמן צפייה: 04:41

צפו באהד מבטיח את מקומו בשלב ההופעות החיות.

Old Man River

We've been waiting for so long for the sunshine for the sunshine
We've been waiting for so long for the sunshine to get back

Tell me Where is the sunshine

We've been living for so long without sunshine without sunshine
We've been living for so long without sunshine in our lives

Tell me where is the sunshine, where is the sunshine gone

We've been waiting for so long for the sunshine for the sunshine
We've been waiting for so long for the sunshine to get back

Tell me where is the sunshine, where is the sunshine gone

Still I walk but I'll leave some faith in the sunshine
Still I'm broke but I'll leave some faith in the sunshine

Where is the sunshine…

I will not fall when I meet my friends in the sunshine
Still I'm broke but I'll leave some faith in the sunshine